The Book of Budgetstm
Make it possible for investors to say "yes" to your project
Sample Budgets
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The Book of Budgets will give you insight to how a feature is built from simple productions to complex studio-size productions through eight invaluable sample budgets.
If you were to hire a production manager to create each of these budgets s/he would charge you between $1,500 and $3,500 per budget. Don't believe it, call one.
Make no mistake, a good production manager is worth every cent they charge, but often you'll need money (an authorized budget) before you can even hire a production manager or before (development) investors will even look at your package for financial consideration. Obviously, if your project hasn't been financed, you'll more than likely have to either defer pay to the production manager and commit yourself to hiring them if and when your project IS financed or pay their budgeting fee out of your pocket . . . and here's where The Book of Budgets can help you break this catch-22.
Besides getting invaluable tips on the allocation of capital, each of the budgets in The Book of Budgets has been written under one of the most popular budget utilities available, Movie Magic which is available at Entertainment Partners. Admittedly Movie Magic is going to cost you some bucks to purchase (and the budgets in the digital Book of Budgets won't work without Movie Magic), but when all is said and done, you'll be able to generate budgets that will give your investors a good idea how you'll be spending their capital. This will then put you in a better position of getting that capital and then being able to hire the production manager of your choice, again, not just the first PM who comes along willing to defer their budgeting fee up-front.
Remember, completion guarantors won't even think of bonding you unless they approve your production manager (and his final draft of the budget). Especially true if you're new to producing. And if you can't get your picture bonded, then no bank or lending insitution will discount a letter of credit or lend you production funds, even if they're guaranteed by a bonafide network licensing agreement or studio negative pickup deal. The Book of Budgets will help you break these catch-22's and for that reason alone, you can't afford to be without it.
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