Rape of a Little Blue Planet
a short horror story
. . . "The U.S. national debt is over $5 trillion and there is no congretional intention to pay it off because the money supply is backed by this debt. In fact the total number of Federal Reserve Notes (dollar bills) in existence today is not enough to pay off this debt. If the debt were paid off there would be no more Federal Reserve Notes in circulation.The fractional reserve system, combined with the wanton printing of debt instruments - entered on the FED's books as assets has devalued our money supply and been causing inflation. One of the reasons the FED is so avidly trying to keep inflation down right now - is because they do not want to draw any attention to them - or the Federal Reserve - at this time.
Collecting interest on demand deposits, a standard practice in fractional reserve banking, is fundamentally dishonest, if not out right theft or fraud, because one has no right to collect a covert rental fee (interest payment) on an asset to which they do not hold legal title. The banks are doing this today with abandon.
History demonstrates that in every civilization where a money supply is not backed by silver or gold, fractional reserve banking gets a foothold and ultimately leads to fiat currency - currency created out of nothing but government decree and backed by nothing. Boom and bust cycles inevitably follow and perpetual war follows to "solve" the problems created by such an off-beat system.
Further, currency that is backed by nothing, and hence subject to manipulation and hence inflation, has to have legal tender laws in place to force the citizens to use it "for all debts private and public" - as is the case with the U.S. currency.
Gold or silver backed currency is the enemy of governments because it curtails their ability to create fiat currency and thus wage war to accommodate the International Bankers' demented agenda to be paid interest, principal payments and/or other concessions only a government can grant because of its access to the police powers.
Thus, the U.S. Government, by continually creating debt instruments (i.e., T-Bonds, T-Bills and T-Notes), is devaluing our money supply because it is having the Federal Reserve issue checks "secured" by these debt instruments as if they were real assets. Just because they are backed by the "full force and credit of the United States" does not mean that they should be considered assets on the Federal Reserve's balance sheet. This is "creative accounting" at its worst and is, in effect, money created out of nothing and backed by less than nothing - debt.
This money created out of nothing is what the Department of Defense, for instance, uses to pay its defense contractors with so they can continue to employ citizens (remember over 50% already work for the government) to build war machines to keep the government in power.
Then these checks, spent by the defense contractors, for instance, eventually find themselves deposited into the nation's commercial banks as demand deposits. Under the fractional reserve system (regulated by the government sanctioned Federal Reserve banking cartel in two-step with itself), the money (M2) is lent out to customers and interest is charged. But since the banks have learned by experience that all of the customers do not usually come by to demand their deposited money at the same time, the banks lend out more than they have on deposit - nine times more to be exact. This further inflates the money supply and devalues our dollars. The only ones that win are the banks with the above system known as the "Mandrake Mechanism."
The news media plays an "important roll" in continually stirring the international barrel in the name of reporting "news" so that the citizens of each country feel obligated to buy government bonds to fight these wars - which are really bogus. Of course most of the top news executives are CFR members just doing their jobs steering the world towards that high-tech, one-world feudal slave society of the future.
"....International bankers are operating long-term to perpetuate war (the "War System") because they lend to (and collect interest from) both sides of the conflict? Thus, the massive debt created to finance these wars, many times is the primary cause of inflation - hence is a hidden tax. The inflation of the 70's paid for the Vietnam War, for example.
The International Monetary Fund/World Bank, abetted by the Federal Reserve Bank (the "FED"), is lending outrageous sums to third world countries under the pretense that it is going to help their citizens. Most of the loan proceeds end up in the hands of the dictator-governments and when they default, as all of them have inevitably been doing, guess who guarantees the banks? Uncle Sam. And guess who picks up the tab for Uncle Sam? The American Taxpayers. What is really happening is the Counsel on Foreign Relations ("CFR") is indirectly trying to buy these dictators' allegiance in a "New World Order" and at the same time bleed and crash the U.S. in order to make its citizens more acquiescent to United Nations ("UN") involvement as a more equal part of this New World Order.
Almost everyone who has been "installed" to run the U.S., from the President and his cabinet on down to key congressmen, executives such of major corporations and major media opinion leaders: are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, most of whom, maintain the viewpoint of socializing the planet under a one-world government (UN) with a one-world central bank (IMF/World Bank).
There is nothing wrong with a one-world government/one-world bank except it makes everyone into a homogenized, high-tech feudal society and takes away diversity and creativity found in the free enterprise systems envisioned by the framers of our constitution.
This Planet will wither if it is socialized. Look at the former Soviet Union (which of course is still operating in a kick-in-the-head manner until it can get revitalized with money from the "free" world). The Soviet Union has just re-packaged its communist identity so it can more easily sell itself to the West and borrow from the Federal-Reserve-sponsored IMF/World bank. If you look, most of the same hard-liners are still there pushing the less aggressive version of communism, known as socialism, while giving lip-service to democracy.
The Federal Reserve is a government-sanctioned, quasi-private, banking cartel established in 1913. It is in collusion with a federal government (which ultimately guarantees its loans by the sweat of the American taxpayer) because the government (which employs 50% of the people at federal, state and local levels collectively) is addicted to the fiat, debt-backed, currency it creates out of nothing for its big government spending and continual warfare projects, as governments do and as mentioned above.
Early as 1962, many genius-visionaries, some considered black sheep by the mainstream, first began warning us about the FED, and the War System. Today, due to the mass communication revolution, millions of people, (many authors, producers, scientists, sociologists, entertainers and their agents), are finally becoming aware of these machinations and their anatomy.
And the international bankers continue to lend to both sides of the conflicts generated, collecting blood-drenched interest payments from both parties. This debt is what has been financing hundreds of wars over hundreds of years as well as current wars. Citizens would never pay for the litany of mocked up wars (such as World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam for instance) that are being created around the planet by the international bankers (who always manage to stay out of government and out of the spotlight, and keep their den-of-thieves, Switzerland, neutral), yet do what ever they can to instigate or continue the same-old, same-old conflicts or repackaged as new and improved conflicts.
If taxpayers had to constantly pay for these wars with higher taxes, they would revolt; and if they knew what some of these "distinguished" international bankers do for their daily bread, and how they do it - they would vomit.
Bottom line: The FED -- which is playing a very significant part in all the above havoc: funding the IMF/World Bank, inflating the U.S. Currency, abetting war and promoting totalitarian governments -- fortunately or unfortunately must be abolished. Central banks have not worked in this country three times before in the past and a central bank such as the FED is not working now because it relies too much on government involvement and it does not allow free enterprise to operate under the "natural laws" of supply and demand. The FED does not stabilize the money supply or the interest rates or the consumer price index at all. It rocks them and it manipulates them and the stockholders of its member banks are the only ones that benefit and yet are protected each time there is another major government bailout. Bluntly: Any good things the FED does are far, far outweighed by the bad things it does.
Maybe you are innocently unaware of these aspects of world history and current affairs because you have been taken in by the highly financed obfuscations or the media window-dressing or the propaganda or the addenda promulgated by the above organizations to socialize the planet - or maybe not. Therefore I urge you to read up on it."
Copyright 1994, 1996 by Constantine L. Rysmeyer All rights Reserved