Which Project?
Applicant's Real Name:
Home Address:
Home Phone Number:
Age (Optional):
Sex (Optional):
How did you initially hear about the Company or
who referred you?
Please describe why you want to produce one of our projects and why you are qualified:
Have you received any material with regards to the Company, if so what?
What is your understanding of what we are doing as a Virtual Studio?
Have you ever worked for a studio or a feature film company before, if so please briefly explain who and what you did:
Have you ever done any public speaking?
How are you at writing letters?
How are your phone skills?
What books or screenplays have you written?
Do you read a lot?
Yes Books per month
Not including TV, how many movies do you rent or go see a week?
What features have you produced? Please specify and describe what producer post you held on each project (i.e., producer, line-producer, executive producer, associate producer)
What other specific experience do you have in producing?
What experience do you have marketing or distributing motion pictures?
What experience do you have selling or publishing literary properties?
What experience do you have in marketing or sales?
Please disclose any of the following that apply to you:
I am already a Reader for the Company
I have submitted the following Screenplay(s) or literary property(s) to dNa DevelopMent in the past:
I currently work for Matrixx Entertainment in the following positions:
I currently work in the Feature Film Industry in the following capacity(s):
and for the following company(s):
Please list by proper name, title and entity anyone you know working in any of the following:
Major Studios?
Major Agencies?
Production Companies?
Major Stars?
Major Directors?
Major Law Firms?
Major Accountancies?
Other Important People I know?
Have you ever spoken or negotiated with an executive at a major studio or talent agency? If so, who and what was the situation?
Have you ever negotiated for a literary property or option? If so, with who and what was the situation?
Have you ever worked with or delt with a Star? If so, with who and what was the situation?
Any experience in bookkeeping, accounting or are you a CPA? Please explain
Any legal or para legal experience or are you a Lawyer? Please explain
Are you a registered Broker/Dealer? Yes No
If so, what is your experience and which Firms have you worked with?
What type of computer do you use? (Please give all details)
Software applications I am familiar with:
Are you experienced drafting union or non-union production budgets? If so please explain:
Are you familiar with Movie Magic budgeting software?
Make and year of car?
Do you know any accredited investors who regularly invest in motion picture production? If so please explain
What computer experience or expertise do you have?
What do you feel your forte is?
What do you enjoy doing most?
Are you interested in being an apprentice?
If yes, how many hours a week would you be available?
Are you willing to train in producing at the Lee Garmes Cinema Institute ?
What Percentage of Producer's Net (Points) would you require?
What would you suggest the Above-Line Production Budget should be?
What would you suggest the Below-Line Production Budget should be?
From this financed Production Budget, what would you require for a Producer's Fee?
What would be the estimated number of weeks you would need to be employed?
We have received the following from you:
Current Resume
w/Cover Letter
Career Orientation Survey
Services Survey
What Else?
Please list other people you know and would like to work with:
My Senior at Matrixx, if known, is:
Date I would like to Start:
In consideration for the benefits and compensation described above, I warrant that the information I
submit by executing this form , is true and correct, and that, if I am accepted by the Company, I agree to abide by the above Rules, which I have read and understand: