This program assumes the Company has not been capitalized
and the Entrepreneur is experienced in Producing. The Movie
Mogul Manual explains most of the details of this Program as well
as financing and producing at the feature level.
Many of the Operating Targets in the program can and do happen simultaneously or in moderately reverse order. Of course the order in which you might have to get something done may vary due to circumstances beyond your control. Nevertheless, when things are spinning and you wonder what you need to be putting your attention on next, then next... use this program, and don't keep it a secret from the other executives in the Company. Efficiency is built by doing things in as near the correct sequence as possible - thus minimizing the need to re-do things or "building the roof on a weak foundation".
It is assumed that the Entrepreneur/Producer is intimately familiar with the exact Executive, Staff and other personnel job descriptions of each person described in this program.
Inexperienced Entrepreneur/Producers who have not done the projects recommended in Long Range Production Goals should not attempt this program until they are familiar with each production up to feature level and have done some or all of them for other Companies or for their own company. See "Long Range Production Goals" in The Mini Mogul Manual.
Companies always look easier to establish than they are. This is true of any product, however it's more true in the film business because so many of the ingredients of a motion picture are intangible and the production unit is often mobile.
This program, when executed, starts slow and continues to speed up exponentially if each step unfolds into the correct next step.
Once rolling, it is the President & CEO's responsibility to calmly see that each person does his or her job to the best possible standard - on time and within the budget he or she has been given.
I emphasize, depending on the production slate you wish to accomplish, this program will vary. Nevertheless you will have to successfully solve, sooner or later, each of the problems presented by these Operating Targets as well as the Production Targets which must be executed for each film produced by the Company.
While being involved, the President and key Executives should cause the Company to be an exciting, fun and productive place to work while accomplishing each Target in the Program.
Since the natural inertia (of the physical universe) to getting anything done may be described by a log curve, an entrepreneur may spend a considerable amount of time getting an enterprise or film "rolling" before he or she hits the up-trend in the curve. Whether or not a first feature is successful is immaterial compared with the importance of capturing the energy connected once it is rolling and funneling this into a next, better feature project. You do not, under any circumstances, want to let the Company's momentum be lost by not taking the steps to get into development and production on new projects before the last one is too done.
Thus this Program considers if your Company is going to make one feature - it is going to make others immediately thereafter on up the quality and viability scale. This Program also assumes and requires that the CEO of the Company see that Executives reward and re-employ those who have done well while continued expansion makes it possible for New and Semi-Professional Filmmakers to enter the Company on this Program, constantly.
One of the major goals of this Program and Company is to employ and train as many people as possible and expand as "wildly" as possible while staying solvent. Too many companies in the entertainment industry exclude and waste people, writing letters that say: "We're sorry at this time we are not hiring any more people and unfortunately do not anticipate hiring any in the future. We will, however, keep your resume on file." Letters like this, going out from a company, should be embarrassing to the company as what they are saying is "We're dying, so please don't bother us."