Professional Consulting Services


BackBone Enterprises offers a wide range of producer services at very reasonable rates. Consulting is delivered by qualified professionals in the entertainment industry and practicing, bar-certified attornies for legal questions.

Subjects addresses include, but are not limited, to the following: screenplay acqusition and development, securing your copyrights, private equity financing, budgeting, packaging, pitching projects, production management, hiring a crew, training personnel, directing shorts and features, intervieing experts for documentaries, editing features and documentaries, conventional distribution, Internet distribution, establishing a production company or studio.

To help you identify the areas where you may need consulting, we have developed the below checksheet. As you read down it, simply check the boxes as apprpriate and supply us with additional data where provided.

FILLING OUT THIS CHECKSHEET AND SENDING IT IN WILL COST YOU NOTHING. This is just to help you organize your needs and provide us with an advance notice that you MAY be contacting us for consulting.


Terms and Rates

$80 per hour for phone consulting on all matters relating to film, legal and technical areas. We require no retainer fees and you will have a 30-day grace period on all invoices. First 30-minute phone call or email is free. Specific prices for various products or specialized services are itemized below.

If you want consulting, contact us at (800) 576-2001 and we will arrange to have the expert of your choice contact you by phone at a date and time that's convenient for you. You will receive a statement from Matrixx Entertainment at the end of any month services are rendered.

You, Matrixx Entertainment or any consultant retain the right to discontinue services for any reason deemed necessary or appropriate.

Click the submit button at the end of this form to give us advance notice of what subjects you may want to cover if you call. Again, filling out the below form does not obligate you and you will receive no unsolicited calls from us or any of our consultants.


Determining if my concept has already been done.
Determining if my movie title has already been used.
Recognizing viable screenplays.
Writing treatments.
Translating a treatment into a screenplay.
Optioning literary properties.
Hiring writers.
Targeting for various budget-levels.
Standard screenplay format.
Drafting a cosmetic budget.
Breakdown sheets.
Production boards.
Shooting schedule.
Drafting a budget-detail.
Creating a shooting script.
Packaging talent/directors.
Packaging major talent/directors.
Working with talent agents.
Contacting the correct executives at studios.
Pitching screenplays to studio executives.
Working with major studios.
Preparing presentable packages.
Duties & responsibilities of various posts.
Hiring non-union director/talent.
Hiring non-union staff & crew.
Hiring DGA, SAG & WGA talent.
Hiring a union staff & crew.
Directing a feature film.
Production managing a feature.
First ADing a feature.
Exact steps in producing a feature.
Finding an agent.
Getting a distributor.
Packaging for foreign markets.
Pacific rim markets.
New markets.
Creating 1-sheets & video jackets.
Selling theatrical rights.
Selling foreign TV/video rights.
Selling domestic TV/video rights.
Consulting on the following:

Legal Consulting

Choice of film finance method.
Studio/industry financing.
In-house development deals.
Production-financing/distribution deals.
Lender financing.
Negative pickups.
Foreign pre-sales.
Gap financing.
Insurance-backed financing.
Strategic use of the generic business plan.
Choice of investment vehicles.
Development vs. production-money offerings.
P&A deals.
Active investment vehicles vs. passive investment vehicles.
Protecting against personal liability.
Investor financing agreements.
Joint ventures.
Initial incorporations.
Limited liability company offerings.
Limited partnership offerings.
Corporate stock offerings.
Public offerings.
S-B offerings.
Regulation A offerings.
SCOR offerings.
Private placements.
Regulation D offerings.
Ceilings on the amount of money that can raised.
Investor numerical limitations.
Investor suitability.
Information disclosure obligations.
Preparation of disclosure documents.
Revenue sharing ratios as between investors and producers.
Preparing the estimated use of proceeds.
Box office comparables.
Financial projections for film offerings.
Expanding your pool of prospective investors
Issuer sales.
Finder sales.
Broker/dealer sales.
Raising money over the Internet.
State notice filings.
Preparation of SEC's Form D.
Selecting an entertainment attorney.
Lecturing on film finance.
Legal Consulting on the following:

Computer Consulting

Purchasing a computer.
Up-grading a computer.
Purchasing software.
Getting on the Internet.
Setting up an email account.
Establishing a web site.
Internet security issues.
MPEG technology.
Impact of DVD technology.
Computerizing my existing budgets.
Computerizing for efficiency.
Working with the following software:
Tech Consulting on the following:

Script Development

General information on developing a screenplay
A Script Doctor for revisions.

Producing Needs

a Producing Partner
a Line Producer
an Entertainment Attorney
a Securities Attorney
an Accountant
an Agent
a Distributor
Financing of $
a Screenplay
a Writer
a Director
Acting Talent
an Art Director
an Artist
a Composer
a Production Manager
a First Assistant Director
a Director of Photography
a Camera Operator
an Editor
an Assistant
a Lab
the following Equipment:


Budgeting Needs

To computerize my existing feature Budget on Movie Magic. $1,000
A Cosmetic Budget created from my finished screenplay. $1,600
A script breakdown. $500
A production board. $500
A non-union Budget drafted from my production board. $1,500
A DGA Budget drafted from my production board. $2,500
To have my non-union Budget reviewed and evaluated. $800
To have my union Budget reviewed and evaluated. $1,000

Sample Feature Budgets

Super Low:
$250,000 18-Day super 16mm Shoot . . . . $50
$282,625 18-Day, 35mm Production . . . . $50

$452,788 23-Day, 35mm Production . . . . $75
$750,554 23-Day, 35mm Production . . . . $75

$1,297,203 35-Day, 35mm Production . . . . $100
$5,575,772 45-Day, 35mm Production . . . . $100

$12,289,792 50-Day, 35mm Production . . . . $125
$37,158,829 60-Day, 35mm Production . . . . $200

Business Consulting

I would like to find out how I can set up my own Production Company
I need help with my Business Plan.
I need help with my Film Package.
I need help with my Private Placement Memorandum.
In general, I need help with the following:

Contact Authorization

Please Call
Please Email


City, State or Zip

Email Address

Phone Number

| Mission Statement |
| What's New | Overview | Virtual Studio |
| Bookstore | Professional Services | Useful Information |
| Employment | In-Development | Script Submissions |
| Script Reading | Website Development | Non-Linear Editing |
| Film Distribution | Discussion Den | Contact MEC |
| Lee Garmes Cinema Institute |

Legal advice, referred to herein, is rendered by (entertainment) attorneys or para legals.
Prices, products and services subject to change without notice. 01/29/02

© 2010 BackBone Enterprises All Rights Reserved